Epsom and Ewell Labour Party
Guess how many Government Cuts have been Made!
I thought I would enter ‘government cuts’ into the internet to see what popped up, writes Ian Strutt.
How many entries did I find? Just 1,650,000,000! Admittedly not all of these cuts were made by Tory governments, but a staggering number were. This is a flavour of what I found in just the first few screen pages.
Number one on the list was a report by The Independent that “councils across England have cut £7.7 bn. from social care budgets.”
Following on, it is reported that Chancellor Rishi Sunak believes that cuts to foreign aid will “continue until at least 2024.”
“This represents a cut of between about £4bn and £5bn, depending on the size of the country.”
Another entry, this time reported by The Guardian: “Britain has lost an estimated 50% of its public toilets in the past ten years.”
On it goes. PSE (Poverty and Social Exclusion) concludes: “The protective capacity of the welfare state (since May 2015 to pre-Covid 2021) was eroded.”
I’ll stop there. Just enter ‘government cuts’ into the internet to reveal across the board the full horror of what voting for Conservative governments has really cost citizens. Putting an X in the wrong voting box can really make you cross…
Articles are writer’s own views and not official Labour party policy, unless indicated